Q: How do I know if the line of data backup and recovery service backup J & 39; actually use my computer every day?
A: Good question then, unless you & 39; receive the confirmation e-mail on a daily basis, the leading provider of storage of your choice, to tell you that your backup led to this day, you may not know , for certain.
And c & 39; is here that we see one of the many dangerous pitfalls of & quot; self-serve & quot; websites, which allows you to the (translated as: the fact that you) download is not supported by the applications, so that the & 39; installation and implementation of the application & 39; Himself. How can you may know that you have defined, & 39; s & 39; application executes properly? What commitment, you can join a corporate face, without even a phone number for a possible contact with humans, digital recordings are, in effect, be sure encrypted and stored off-site? Are you willing to accept an automatic processing per month free of charge on your credit card statement as proof of your company is fully insured every day?
And with & 39; something so vital to the survival of your company, such as daily backups of the computer & 39; you want & 39; n is not sure, you have missed the opportunity that you have failed a critical stage or file from your backup. As the owner of & 39; experienced company, do you want to know that you are always service for.
But you pay even more to the point, the meaning and purpose of the backup, the ability to provide information again destroyed by a car crashes lasts Or d & 39; loss or & 39; fire theft.
So Image: 18 months you downloaded on your application, a computer automatic backup on a line daily basis, as well as to eliminate the concern of loss of data in your mind. Each month, you notice small fee to your credit card, and they feel better that your information is protected, and we are pleased that they will never think about, the data on backup.
But one day, unexpectedly , trustworthy your computer fails From cleaning and towels from your client - database, accounting for all your e-mails and documents. & 39; C is a bad situation, but at least once you get your new computer, you can restore your data! Right?
Wrong because more than 12 months, an updated version of Windows installed, you unknown, changed a parameter prevents your backup & 39; s perform. They were charged to store your data for the last 12 months offsite, but you have chosen, service providers that the storage of & 39; information, such as & 39; she appeared on the day before updating Windows. They are just a lost year is progress, and it has nothing & 39;, on the other hand, what can be done & 39;. You can fight with your service provider, you have repaid your space, but this is not true & 39; that your data back.
You & 39; new d & 39; very surprised to learn that nobody from your service provider, monitoring of your account. It & 39; there were no measures & 39; alarm you or your supplier of storage, that something is moving. Why? Because you opt for the cheapest solution, it is necessary that you know enough of its own, on its own initiative, although your backup is in progress. And guess what? He accepted this agreement, if you click & quot; accept & quot; of the Convention on duty at the time of installation & 39;. They agreed that, to monitor and test your backups yourself.
Shocking but true. That said, here are some tips to ensure that this nightmare is happening at home:
What you should not do:
1. Do you believe that this would not occur for you.
2. Remind yourself that you have the time, energy & 39; and the know-how necessary to monitor and test your backups yourself.
3. Put off decision making for a reliable backup solution for another day.
4. Sign up online data backup based strictly price.
What To Do:
1. On-line services should not be impersonal & 39; n is not yet available. Outsource your daily online data storage provider, which speaks of & 39; you first learn that you and your company, and c & 39; is the software installation and & 39; d d & 39 ; you.
2 facility. On the daily life & 39; d & 39; e-mail address as your backup successfully.
3 works. Choose a supplier of memory, invites you to ask 24/7/365.
4 d & 39; hotline. Make sure that the burden of proof for the supervision and control of your regular account is on the leading provider of storage. You are the experts, so that they can & 39; prove it.
5. Committees now the proper time and resources necessary for the survival of protecting your business once a day off to safeguard your computer. Are they not in bankruptcy statistics hesitated, because you have to protect your business more your most precious capital-information.
And remember that your computer backup is only as good as your ability to recover from & 39; lost information, if you have the greatest need. About the failure of life, restore your data and we look forward to your next success. Copyright 2007 - Blue Melnick. All rights reserved throughout the world. Reprint rights: you can print this article, as all the active links, do not change the result of & 39; any way, and that those responsible for the following line:
Blue Melnick is the co-founder and Chief Specialist file memory for Virtual Tape Drive Canada. Bluetooth, which invites you to contact him and www.vtdcanada.com or by phone at 416-462-3323. & 39; N You are not sure whether backup data online is the right one for you? Why not sign up for Biz News-Bluespoon & 39; Free E-To learn more about how this new technology can be & quot; save & quot; your business? manie walter
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